When I was growing up during the Flower-Child 60s, let’s just say that sanitary pads were a tad different than they are today. For starters, they had long thin gauze tails on each end that we ever-so- delicately threaded through a sanitary belt! Yup, a sexy little elastic number that we wore around our waists and hoped to God no one noticed when we raised our arms to reach something on the top shelf, or bent over to grab something we dropped on the floor.

But the worst of it wasn’t even the tackiness of the elastic belt itself. No, no, the nastiest part was the sheer indignity of it all when the bloody pad would inevitably creep up either our backsides or stomach. Let’s be real, there’s nothing quite as revolting as feeling a wet pad pushed up against where it doesn’t belong. And as if that’s not enough to make you lose your lunch, imagine what was now ‘protecting’ your underwear from your blood flow. . . a quarter-inch bunched-up strip of gauze holding the ever-elusive floating pad!

Nothing says sexy quite like seeing a bulging sanitary pad shoved against pants or a skirt. Perhaps this visual from an ancient Saturday Night Live will bring it home in ways that no words could possibly do. Ah yes . . . those were the days.