As a woman approaches ovulation, her cervical fluid becomes progressively wetter. When a woman charts, in the evening, she records what she has observed throughout the day. So if she didn’t feel or observe anything at her vaginal opening, that day is considered dry. But lest there be any confusion, women always have internal vaginal moisture, even on the days when they feel bone dry. This is completely normal and should still be recorded as dry.

It’s easy to distinguish between cervical fluid and vaginal moisture. Cervical fluid on your finger will stay moist for minutes or longer, whereas vaginal moisture, like that inside your mouth, will dissipate from your finger within seconds. If you don’t have any cervical fluid, you will usually have a distinct feeling of dryness.


If you are trying to conceive, you shouldn’t get discouraged if you don’t see what is considered the most fertile type of cervical fluid: eggwhite. It doesn’t mean there is necessarily anything wrong, and as long as you produce some type of wet or slippery-quality cervical fluid, the sperm should still be able to swim through the cervix to ultimately fertilize the egg.

Think of cervical fluid on a continuum from the extremes of dry to eggwhite. As you can imagine, the ideal quality would be the wettest and most slippery, since this is the type that most closely resembles the man’s seminal fluid. If you don’t observe eggwhite quality, it probably means that your “window of fertility” is shorter than those women who do produce it.

Regardless, there are a number of things you can do to increase your chances of conceiving. Most importantly, you want to be sure to time intercourse for your Peak Day, which is the last day of either:

  • Stretchy, Clear or Lubricative cervical fluid
  • Lubricative vaginal sensation
  • Midcycle spotting

In addition, I list numerous ways to increase the quality of your cervical fluid in my book, Taking Charge of Your Fertility.