What does it mean if I don’t see a thermal shift but I have very regular, 28-day cycles?

It can mean one of several things: First, you may be ovulating, but you may be one of the few women whose temperatures do not reflect the heat-inducing progesterone produced following ovulation. Second, you may indeed be having a thermal shift, but are not drawing the coverline correctly in order to accurately interpret your charts [...]

By |2015-11-19T23:07:44-08:00November 19th, 2015||0 Comments

How can temperatures be relied upon if I sometimes get a fever?

There may be several factors, from fever to alcohol to lack of sleep, that could affect your waking temperature. Yet this doesn’t compromise your ability to rely on them while charting, because you ultimately want to identify a pattern of low and high temperatures, rather than focusing on individual ones. Outlying temperatures can be effectively [...]

By |2015-11-19T23:07:26-08:00November 19th, 2015||0 Comments
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